Scene 2: “What’s in Your Head?”
Joe: “When was the last time you looked inside someone’s head? You never did? Well it’s time.”
“You know what’s in there? Their thoughts. You know, ideas, opinions, memories, plans, decisions.“
“Do you know what thoughts look like? Let’s take a peek.” (Press twice.)
“If the video doesn’t open for you… no problem. It says that every head is full of precious jewels… all my thoughts are precious jewels!”
Patti: “I didn’t think they’d be this wonderful!”
Krista: “Here are all my ideas… my opinions…plans of what I am going to do. Memories of things that happened to me.
“Let’s put them out on a plate.”
Steve: “There was a man called George Carlin. He’s dead now. He was a really good comedian and this is what he said one day: “I think thoughts are precious.” As soon as he said this I perked up. It makes sense.”
Joe: “So you get the picture: Our THOUGHTS… in our head… they’re a TREASURY of preciousness!”
Joe: “We even call our thoughts CONCEPTS, which comes from the word “conceive” like conceiving babies. Our thoughts are like our children; they are precious to us.”
Patti: “Beethoven didn’t have any children; his symphonies were conceived in his head. Michelangelo didn’t have any children; the Sistine Chapel ceiling was conceived in his head.”
Joe: “Can you see now why I had to make this website? I have tapped into the world of poets and songwriters and in that world tremendous respect is shown for one’s thoughts. We have to make this known… and put it into practice.”
Dave: “Our thoughts are called “dreams”, too. The Irish poet William Butler Yeats wrote: “I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”
“Sometimes our thoughts are called “songs”. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel in their famous song “Sound of Silence” lamented: “People writing songs that voices never share.” How very sad.
Krista: “OK so you’re sitting next to another person and now you realize that the person has precious thoughts in her head. So how are you going to treat them? This is going to make all the difference in the world.”
Turn to Scene 3: “Responding Nurturingly”.